Cheap Car Insurance – How to Reduce the Cost of Owning a Car

Transport costs account for 20% of after-tax income for many middle-class families. This is because Canadians can’t live without a car! If you consider depreciation, owning a car can cost between $8,600 and $13,000 annually, close to $12,000 – the amount Canadians pay for rent on a two-bedroom apartment. While you can’t cut down on fuel costs or your instalments, you can surely save on Calgary Car Insurance with the following strategies.

Your Profile – Your age can impact your premiums in various ways. For instance, teenage drivers are expensive to insure, 25+ and married individuals get relatively better rates and senior citizens get additional discounts. You can also get some student discounts, or consider being a second driver on a policy if you only drive occasionally. Your job title can also affect your premium rates.

Your Policy – Experienced drivers can increase their deductibles to get lower premiums. However, ensure that you have the money set aside for damages in case of an accident. Another great way to get better rates is to bundle your car and home insurance or buy multiple cars insurance from the same company. You can also avail welcome discounts and leverage your credit card for rental car protection to save on Calgary car insurance. Another great policy you can avail is the Usage-Based Insurance if you drive fewer kilometres on a daily basis.

Your Car – The type of car you own can impact your insurance rates. For instance, Toyota Camry, Honda Civic, Toyota RAV4, and Acura MDX can be expensive to insure as they are highly susceptible to theft or are subject to reckless driving. Make sure to get an insurance quote before you buy a new vehicle. Other things you can do to save on insurance costs is to install winter tires, get a dashboard camera and install certified anti-theft systems. Also, check if the repair costs are higher of your model as they might translate into higher premiums.

Your Location – In some ways, car insurance is just like real estate. It’s all about the location! The insurance costs differ as per provinces, but you might also find a difference within the province based on the neighbourhood. If your distance to work is shorter, you can get a lower premium. Also, if you have a private garage, your insurance company will definitely cut down some costs.

Your Habits – One of the best things you can do to lower your premiums is to regularly review your policy and shop around to find cheaper rates. There are also some loyalty discounts for customers staying with a company for a long duration. Consider making annual payments instead of monthly payments to save on administrative costs.

Buying a Calgary car insurance can be tricky if you aren’t aware of the discounts in the market. By doing a thorough research and reviewing your policy before renewal, you can definitely reduce the cost of owning a car in Canada.

Overcome Fear

Are you looking to overcoming your fear of public speaking, fear of flying, fear of heights, fear of driving or fear of failure? Learn how to overcome your fears by understanding the process of fears forming in your mind and techniques to beat your fear.

Which is stronger, the power of the will or the power of the imagination? Most people think the will is stronger, but anyone who has had the experience of being overcome by fear would answer “imagination”.

Fear is the negative effect of imagination and can occur spontaneously, and against our will. We can all experience different fears in many different ways, yet there is a common factor behind most of our fears – the way they are formed. Fears can be resolved.

Common Fears and Phobias

Here is a list of most common fears and phobias that people experience. Do you have one of these fears that you are looking to beat?

Driving phobia
Fear of being alone
Fear of clowns
Fear of commitment
Fear of crowds
Fear of death
Fear of driving
Fear of dying
Fear of failure
Fear of flying
Fear of heights
Fear of public speaking
Fear of rejection
Fear of speaking
Fear of spiders
Fear of the dark
Fear or phobia of dentist
Stage fright

The Process – How Does Fear Begin?

We are aroused by only two sensations, pain and pleasure. We all want to avoid pain and pursue pleasure. The emotional cycle which leads to fear begins in the present with our initial experience of pain or pleasure, and ends up with complex feelings which are “remembered” exclusively in the past. This cycle of emotions has been found by psychiatrists to follow the following pattern:

Pain in the present is experienced as hurt.
Pain in the past is remembered as anger.
Pain in the future is perceived as anxiety or fear.
Unexpressed anger, redirected against ourselves and held within is experienced as guilt.
The depletion of energy that occurs when anger is redirected inward creates depression.

“Hurt” is stored because the body retains a primitive subconscious ability to remember every incident that it experiences. This is called conditioning and it is part of the way we learn. These “hurt memories” do not usually form part of our everyday conscious awareness, but in fact our current action is influenced by hundreds of thousands of them! This primitive subconscious ability will remind you of a particular “hurt memory” through your feelings. Some childhood memories may be very painful and difficult to recall and may therefore be repressed.

If we encounter an incident which hurts us (slipping on a step while high on a ladder), and if we are unable to adequately understand, resolve or communicate our feelings about this incident, then it is automatically stored in the subconscious mind. If we then encounter the same or a similar incident (leaning over the edge of a tall building) at a later date, this “hurt” is automatically “recalled” by our subconscious mind. We are reminded that this incident is responsible for a “past hurt” through a change in our feelings. We will begin to feel uncomfortable, nervous, anxious, dizzy, weak. ,We may experience headaches, nausea or even complete paralysis. In some cases these symptoms can be experienced by just thinking about the situation!From this example it is apparent that three skills must be learnt to overcome fear:

Firstly, a method of releasing or handling the subconscious “hurt memories” which have been stored.
Secondly, developing self-confidence to deal with the actual situation which triggers the fear.
Thirdly, developing new responses to express the emotions that are felt when the situation recurs.

In the Life Skills Seminar, overcoming fear is dealt with by teaching and practising:

The conscious ability to relax and release stress any time, anywhere.
The ability to focus the mind.
The ability to neutralise and reprogram subconscious “fear memories”.
The ability to develop mind/body exercises to overcome fear.
The ability to develop greater self confidence to experience the situation which is creating fear.
The ability to program new responses to express emotions in that situation to overcome fear.

Finding Affordable Car Insurance with Bad Credit Rating

Car Insurance for People with Bad Credit

Researching car insurance costs throws up lots of surprising as well as shocking revelations. For instance, credit challenged consumers must shop with specialized auto insurance companies that cater to their needs. This type of looking for information can help save money in order to keep within your budget limits. Online service provider are always eager to provide relevant information about car insurance for bad credit as it has become more commonly searched product-service in recent years. Scores usually affect higher or lower premiums as they change levels. Despite this pricing trends, many credit challenged consumers report success with affordable rates.

Bad Credit and Car Insurance

Scores influence rates because they portray the financial habits and responsibility profile of potential customers. Education, career choice among other factors decides how much car owners, car drivers pay for their car insurance. Credit scores, credit ratings and credit reports matter simply because it reflects making regular and on time payments. It gives proof of ability to manage debt at affordable levels. Looking for car insurance with bad credit rating is like starting out with a disadvantage. Insurers are in the risk business, where having customers is an investment as well as a liability all at the same time. Drivers with good scores are less of a risk.

Insurers and car insurance carriers determine rates for individual clients based on scores as one of the factors. Auto insurance companies prefer majority of clients have scores between 600 and 650. Those with higher scores benefit from preferential rates. Raising credit scores in anticipation of paying for your next car insurance policy could be a smart move. Since, auto insurance rates are constantly rising year on year, credit challenged consumers are the worst affected. Find out more on specialized car insurance for those with bad credit so you can lower your car insurance costs despite bad scoring.

Contrary to popular belief, women drivers can manage their finances much better than the majority of the consumer’s population. That is, if they do not get carried away occasionally with shopping sprees running into hundreds of thousands of dollars. However, when it comes having affordable car insurance policies, insurers offer a lot of ways to save money. Drivers of the fairer sex benefit from women auto insurance that provide many discounts, rewards and convenient monitoring. For the females who drive more safely, simply because they are more concerned about other’s safety rather than speeding to their destinations, car insurance costs never turn into a burden.

Special discounts, deductibles, unnecessary coverage & Other Ways to Save on Auto Insurance

Multiples policies with one or two service providers at the most make for cheaper car insurance costs. Purchasing newer requirements with the same company helps save on total premiums. Going through renewals racks up loyalty points that translate into dollars saved on driving protection. Out of pocket responsibility allows drivers to benefits from higher deductibles. Companies are assured of fewer claims as drivers foot the bills on smaller amount. For bigger amount claims are rarer and customer spends before insurers responsibility starts.