Self-Pleasuring Techniques: Interesting Objects to Penetrate (with Care)

Most of the time, self-pleasuring for a guy involves nothing fancier than his own fist, but on some occasions a man wants to penetrate something a little more interesting or off the beaten path. Fortunately, when it comes to sensual activity, men have an almost limitless imagination and so the realm of possibilities for penetration becomes huge. Of course, not every supposedly penetrable object should be used in self-pleasuring. No matter how turned on, men need to make sure that no chosen object is going to have a negative effect on one’s male organ health. Some degree of self-control may be necessary.

There are several old stand-bys that come to mind when a man wishes to expand his self-pleasuring horizons, such as a plastic female organ, a blow up doll or simply rubbing the manhood between a pillow and a mattress. However, when a guy lets his imagination roam free, numerous options present themselves:

• A slice of pizza. Not one fresh and hot out of the oven, of course, as the burns could be serious. However, a slice of pizza at room temperature can be rolled into an appropriate opening and used to provide a new self-stimulatory experience. Be sure to clean the member very well after use – and be aware that sensitive male organ skin may not like this option very much.

• A peanut butter jar. After scooping out an appropriate amount, a guy may find that the slippery, greasy feel of peanut butter against the male member is surprisingly sensual. Be forewarned, however, that this can be one seriously messy method of self-gratifying.

• Pool toys. Several items that are often enjoyed in the swimming pool can also be employed for self-based organ play. Rubber floats or rafts that are inflated to somewhat less than full can be molded into enjoyable positions. Those long pool tubes often have a hole in the middle that can be put to good use – although the roughness of the material can be very hard on the manhood.

• Deli slices. Cold cuts, whether turkey, bologna or ham, can make for an off-beat experience. Simply wrap the product around a firm manhood and move it up and down as one desires. Some men also enjoy putting the member between two slices of bread and thrusting to release. A piece of advice: Do not add spicy mustard to the mix.

• A plastic sandwich bag. Not just any sandwich bag, of course. It needs a little something extra to give it some “oomph.” Pouring hand lotion or cold cream in it can be a good choice. So can cottage cheese, whipped cream or shortening. Be warned again: This requires considerable clean-up.

• Bread dough. Who can blame a guy for getting ideas when he’s beating down some bread dough? With a bit of lubrication, it creates a texture that can feel quite satisfying to a hard member.

• A watermelon. Something of a classic, cutting a hole in a watermelon and self-pleasuring is a summer rite of passage for many boys – and more than a few men.

Keeping self-pleasuring lively and enjoyable is a laudable goal, but do make sure that new items to penetrate don’t compromise the health of the organ. For example, soreness often results from experimentation, so regularly using a first-class male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is advisable. A crème that contains a combination of a high-end emollient like Shea butter and a natural hydrator like vitamin E can help to bring soothing relief to a sore manhood. Sometimes rough handling can cause a “deadening” of the organ’s nerves, making sensual activity less enjoyable. A crème that contains neuroprotective acetyl L-carnitine can help ward off peripheral nerve damage that leads to lessening of manhood sensitivity. A proper crème is an essential part of an effective male member health regimen.

Visit for additional information on most common manhood health issues, tips on improving member sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

Overcome Fear

Are you looking to overcoming your fear of public speaking, fear of flying, fear of heights, fear of driving or fear of failure? Learn how to overcome your fears by understanding the process of fears forming in your mind and techniques to beat your fear.

Which is stronger, the power of the will or the power of the imagination? Most people think the will is stronger, but anyone who has had the experience of being overcome by fear would answer “imagination”.

Fear is the negative effect of imagination and can occur spontaneously, and against our will. We can all experience different fears in many different ways, yet there is a common factor behind most of our fears – the way they are formed. Fears can be resolved.

Common Fears and Phobias

Here is a list of most common fears and phobias that people experience. Do you have one of these fears that you are looking to beat?

Driving phobia
Fear of being alone
Fear of clowns
Fear of commitment
Fear of crowds
Fear of death
Fear of driving
Fear of dying
Fear of failure
Fear of flying
Fear of heights
Fear of public speaking
Fear of rejection
Fear of speaking
Fear of spiders
Fear of the dark
Fear or phobia of dentist
Stage fright

The Process – How Does Fear Begin?

We are aroused by only two sensations, pain and pleasure. We all want to avoid pain and pursue pleasure. The emotional cycle which leads to fear begins in the present with our initial experience of pain or pleasure, and ends up with complex feelings which are “remembered” exclusively in the past. This cycle of emotions has been found by psychiatrists to follow the following pattern:

Pain in the present is experienced as hurt.
Pain in the past is remembered as anger.
Pain in the future is perceived as anxiety or fear.
Unexpressed anger, redirected against ourselves and held within is experienced as guilt.
The depletion of energy that occurs when anger is redirected inward creates depression.

“Hurt” is stored because the body retains a primitive subconscious ability to remember every incident that it experiences. This is called conditioning and it is part of the way we learn. These “hurt memories” do not usually form part of our everyday conscious awareness, but in fact our current action is influenced by hundreds of thousands of them! This primitive subconscious ability will remind you of a particular “hurt memory” through your feelings. Some childhood memories may be very painful and difficult to recall and may therefore be repressed.

If we encounter an incident which hurts us (slipping on a step while high on a ladder), and if we are unable to adequately understand, resolve or communicate our feelings about this incident, then it is automatically stored in the subconscious mind. If we then encounter the same or a similar incident (leaning over the edge of a tall building) at a later date, this “hurt” is automatically “recalled” by our subconscious mind. We are reminded that this incident is responsible for a “past hurt” through a change in our feelings. We will begin to feel uncomfortable, nervous, anxious, dizzy, weak. ,We may experience headaches, nausea or even complete paralysis. In some cases these symptoms can be experienced by just thinking about the situation!From this example it is apparent that three skills must be learnt to overcome fear:

Firstly, a method of releasing or handling the subconscious “hurt memories” which have been stored.
Secondly, developing self-confidence to deal with the actual situation which triggers the fear.
Thirdly, developing new responses to express the emotions that are felt when the situation recurs.

In the Life Skills Seminar, overcoming fear is dealt with by teaching and practising:

The conscious ability to relax and release stress any time, anywhere.
The ability to focus the mind.
The ability to neutralise and reprogram subconscious “fear memories”.
The ability to develop mind/body exercises to overcome fear.
The ability to develop greater self confidence to experience the situation which is creating fear.
The ability to program new responses to express emotions in that situation to overcome fear.

Why Are You in Need Of Loans With No Credit Check in The UK?

While being online you would find plenty of advertisements promising to help you at your worst times of financial struggles by providing easy approvals to loan in UK with no credit check. These approvals help in providing money to the customers at the time when they need it the most and finding the help is next to impossible.

In such a time, many credit lenders like banks and most of the direct lenders ignore the demand of money by such borrowers because of the prevailing poor credit score. This credit score is a fear for repayment for most of the lenders and hence the application is usually ignored. Many loan lenders target the people with the low income by charging them higher rates of interest and earning through the amount charged by the people.

For instance, a cash loan charging 38% interest for a period, say, four weeks amounting to 500 pound will charge 690 pound being fully payable within a period of next 4 weeks. To be in the group of lower income people, this leads people to in high amount of debt thus exhausting one-third of their income through these repayments and interest amounts.

Adding to the issues, there might occur times when a sudden emergency might arise and you fail to meet the ends with it. This adds an extra sum of late payment to the loans with no credit check in UK thus increasing the amount to be repaid further and making it even harder for the borrower to make the scheduled repayments. At times, this repayable amount can go up to an extent where it adds to 50% of the monthly income.

It is not an easy task to repay this amount further, and this creates the chances for the borrower to borrow another loan amount and finally ending into a vicious and threatening circle of the borrowing and lending, which never comes to an end.

To avoid a situation where the borrower just drowns in the deep water of debt it is crucial for a responsible lender to make all the necessary checks on the credit score. And, offer the sums of money as per the same. A person, who is not eligible for the loan, can become a threat for the lender and himself for the future purposes. It is equally important for any lender to check the ability of the borrower in terms of repayment.

In case, you are looking forward to finance you and your never ending needs, keep in mind that you choose a lender that is reputable and responsible to check your credit history in order to avoid the future emerging hustles regarding the payments. This process involves certain steps that must be taken care of, both, by the lender and the borrower like, checking your affordability to make the reimbursements on time, checking if you are eligible for the loan or not. One another important criterion that a responsible lender would use while approving your application is the calculation of your debt-equity ratio. This further clears the fact that whether a borrower can afford a loan or not.

Being a borrower, no guarantor loans with no credit check is actually beneficial for you or not is now up to you, as it can lead you to higher debts and more future problems.