Overcome Fear

Are you looking to overcoming your fear of public speaking, fear of flying, fear of heights, fear of driving or fear of failure? Learn how to overcome your fears by understanding the process of fears forming in your mind and techniques to beat your fear.

Which is stronger, the power of the will or the power of the imagination? Most people think the will is stronger, but anyone who has had the experience of being overcome by fear would answer “imagination”.

Fear is the negative effect of imagination and can occur spontaneously, and against our will. We can all experience different fears in many different ways, yet there is a common factor behind most of our fears – the way they are formed. Fears can be resolved.

Common Fears and Phobias

Here is a list of most common fears and phobias that people experience. Do you have one of these fears that you are looking to beat?

Driving phobia
Fear of being alone
Fear of clowns
Fear of commitment
Fear of crowds
Fear of death
Fear of driving
Fear of dying
Fear of failure
Fear of flying
Fear of heights
Fear of public speaking
Fear of rejection
Fear of speaking
Fear of spiders
Fear of the dark
Fear or phobia of dentist
Stage fright

The Process – How Does Fear Begin?

We are aroused by only two sensations, pain and pleasure. We all want to avoid pain and pursue pleasure. The emotional cycle which leads to fear begins in the present with our initial experience of pain or pleasure, and ends up with complex feelings which are “remembered” exclusively in the past. This cycle of emotions has been found by psychiatrists to follow the following pattern:

Pain in the present is experienced as hurt.
Pain in the past is remembered as anger.
Pain in the future is perceived as anxiety or fear.
Unexpressed anger, redirected against ourselves and held within is experienced as guilt.
The depletion of energy that occurs when anger is redirected inward creates depression.

“Hurt” is stored because the body retains a primitive subconscious ability to remember every incident that it experiences. This is called conditioning and it is part of the way we learn. These “hurt memories” do not usually form part of our everyday conscious awareness, but in fact our current action is influenced by hundreds of thousands of them! This primitive subconscious ability will remind you of a particular “hurt memory” through your feelings. Some childhood memories may be very painful and difficult to recall and may therefore be repressed.

If we encounter an incident which hurts us (slipping on a step while high on a ladder), and if we are unable to adequately understand, resolve or communicate our feelings about this incident, then it is automatically stored in the subconscious mind. If we then encounter the same or a similar incident (leaning over the edge of a tall building) at a later date, this “hurt” is automatically “recalled” by our subconscious mind. We are reminded that this incident is responsible for a “past hurt” through a change in our feelings. We will begin to feel uncomfortable, nervous, anxious, dizzy, weak. ,We may experience headaches, nausea or even complete paralysis. In some cases these symptoms can be experienced by just thinking about the situation!From this example it is apparent that three skills must be learnt to overcome fear:

Firstly, a method of releasing or handling the subconscious “hurt memories” which have been stored.
Secondly, developing self-confidence to deal with the actual situation which triggers the fear.
Thirdly, developing new responses to express the emotions that are felt when the situation recurs.

In the Life Skills Seminar, overcoming fear is dealt with by teaching and practising:

The conscious ability to relax and release stress any time, anywhere.
The ability to focus the mind.
The ability to neutralise and reprogram subconscious “fear memories”.
The ability to develop mind/body exercises to overcome fear.
The ability to develop greater self confidence to experience the situation which is creating fear.
The ability to program new responses to express emotions in that situation to overcome fear.

Global Protection of Your Trademark

Does your business have a specific trademark? If so, you should know that it may be vulnerable overseas. While your business may have established protections within the United States, someone in another country could potentially use your trademark if you are not careful.

A trademark can be a symbol, phrase, word or design. If your company’s brand can be extended to other countries, you may want to consider filing a trademark outside of the U.S. to protect your rights to the particular brand.

With the growth of online trade and social media, businesses have become increasingly global. As a result, it is important for a company to control its brand on an international level. However, protecting brands in the global market can be difficult.

In the U.S., trademark rights are based on use. Specifically, if you use a trademark without registering it, this action creates rights to brand. To register your trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office, you must show actual or planned use of the specific brand. If you do not plan to use the name, the Trademark Office will not permit registration.

Conversely, trademark rights in many other countries are based on filing. In other words, if you are starting a brand in the U.S. and plan to extend it globally, you have to register your brand abroad. If you do not, another person can control your U.S. brand in another country.

Many businesses register their brands in major countries around the world. It is also helpful to register your brand in any country where your company is engaged in business. You should file your trademark in the U.S., and then register it in countries that are important to your business. This can be done through the country’s Patent and Trademark Office; however, it may help to have an attorney facilitate the process.

If you are interested in filing your trademark in various outside countries, you have additional options. For example, you can apply for international registration, which is a multicountry filing application that encompasses 86 countries. The bundle includes the most industrial nations in the world. To do this, you file your trademark in the U.S. and subsequently extend the filing to international jurisdictions. There is a filing fee in each country; however, overall, this option is relatively inexpensive and administratively easy.

Filing for global trademarks can be crucial to your business. If you allow others to register your brands abroad, you risk diminishing it and limiting your chances of global expansion. Therefore, if you are considering filing a trademark, you may want to consult with an experienced trademark attorney. A lawyer can help you protect your rights to a specific brand.

Article provided by Erik S. Syverson
Visit us at www.syversonlaw.com

Best Natural And Herbal Method To Cure Insomnia

How to deal with insomnia troubles naturally? This is a common question heard from people across the world. Let’s see here the natural and herbal method to deal with insomnia. At present, there are many herbal remedies available for treating insomnia troubles. Chamomile is one of the best recommended herbal remedies for insomnia problems. Today, you can get this herbal remedy from market in many forms.

Chamomile tea relaxes nerve cells safely and naturally. It is found to be very effective for the treatment of nervous disorders like anxiety, stress and depression. If you wish to get the best result, feel free to include chamomile tea twice or thrice per day. Similar to chamomile tea, hops tea is another cure for insomnia. It ensures sound sleep without any disturbances.

Reducing stress is one of the main advantages of including hops tea in diet. It improves blood circulation in body safely and naturally. How to get fast result during treatment? This is another common question heard from people. Healthy lifestyle habits like yoga can help you in this task. It ensures good night sleep naturally.

Lavender is another highlighting insomnia cure which can be easily availed from market. It is generally used for aromatherapy treatment. Sweet scent from lavender is found to be very effective for relaxing nerve cells. It ensures enhanced sleep at night without inducing any side effects. Today, you can easily get pillows made from lavender from online stores. If possible, get one to ensure good night sleep.

Have you ever used valerian root products? As per studies, this particular herb is found to be very effective for the treatment of insomnia problems. Valerian root products can be easily availed from market stores. For effective result, try to drink valerian root tea twice or thrice per day. Also, never forget to drink a cup of valerian root tea thirty minutes before going to bed. It acts as a relaxant of nerve cells and tissues.

Similar to valerian root, passionflower is another cure for sleeplessness. You can easily make a cup of passionflower juice from your home. It serves as a natural cure of many health issues. Improving mental health and preventing health issues like anxiety, stress and depression are some of the main benefits of including passionflower juice in diet.

St John’s Wort is one among the best recommended cures for insomnia problems. At present, it is a common ingredient used for the preparation of herbal products that cure insomnia. St John’s wort can be also availed in many forms like capsules, extracts and tonic. Aaram capsule is one among the best recommended cures for insomnia. It acts as a safe cure for treating nervous disorders like anxiety, stress and depression.

You can use this herbal remedy twice or thrice per day with milk. 100% safety is a main feature of Aaram capsule. Aaram capsule can be used with any other medication. For the best health advantage, follow a healthy lifestyle devoid of alcohol and tobacco products. Also, never hesitate to follow a diet schedule enriched with good amount of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Important Facts That Matters A Lot On Rosacea Treatment

In the present scenario things or aspects related to Rosacea Treatment is really making it to the center stage. There is no denial that in terms of health aspects facts related to the treatment of this particular type of ailment cannot be disregarded. As it comes to this particular ailment you should be on your guard and you need to know every possible thing about this crucial type of ailment for sure. Negligence to this issue could prove to be fatal and you will surely not take the risk. So, here is a little bit of a conversation which is going to be resourceful for you in connection to the treatment of the disease. Have a quick look.

Regular supervision is a priority

You should know that Rosacea is going to be controlled as well as healed up in due course of time. However in order to achieve that perfect status you really need to work a bit harder. Regular supervision is a priority as it comes to this particular ailment. There should not be any slipup or mistake in this regard. Doctors and healthcare professionals would suggest that you get yourself thoroughly checked up provided you seem to have the insurgence or eruption of this ailment. Regular supervision by astute and incisive doctors is really going to be a big help.

Understanding the specific skin condition

Understanding the specific skin condition appears to be a must do act on your part provided you really intend to dodge the harmful or lethal impact of the disease. It is really important that you get to bust the myth that concerns your skin conditions. You are going to need specific information about the creams and other products which will work perfectly on your skin in its various conditions. In course of this particular ailment you might notice some changes in your skin conditions. You have to observe those changes pretty well and report them to your physician.

Choose the treatment processes and products with care

You need to exercise a good amount of cautious aptitude when it comes to selecting the products that can heal you up. There are thousands of entities who are offering the solutions to this particular problem via electronic modes or via the internet. Before you are going to find your way to these entities you should know that they are perfect for you. Choose the treatment processes and products with great care. The facts on the various facets of Rosacea Treatment should be an eye opener for you.

The Pulse Light Clinic specialise in Rosacea treatment is a healthcare professional who has immense knowledge on the subject of Rosacea Treatment. If you need specific info in this regard read his articles.

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